
First Friendly Meeting
Posted originally on the SquidgeWorld Archive at

General Audiences
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No Archive Warnings Apply
Anthropomorfic - Fandom, Personified Fandoms [Anthropomorphic], Internet & Social Media [Anthropomorphic], Object and Concept Anthropomorphism, Archive of Our Own - Fandom, Ad Astra Fanfiction Archive - Fandom, Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive - Fandom, SquidgeWorld Archive - Fandom
Archive of Our Own & Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive [Anthropomorphic], Ad Astra Fanfiction Archive & Archive of Our Own & SquidgeWorld Archive [Anthropomorphic]
Archive of Our Own [Anthropomorphic], AO3 - Character, Ad Astra Fanfiction Archive [Anthropomorphic], Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive [Anthropomorphic], SquidgeWorld Archive [Anthropomorphic]
Additional Tags:
Anthropomorphic, Colors, Happy Ending, Cute, Cute Ending, Screenplay/Script Format, One Shot, He/Him Pronouns For Every Anthropomorfic Website, Word count: 100 - 500, POV Outsider, Autistic Author, Betaed - No, Meeting, Talking, Purple [Color], Orange [Color], Red [Color], Rainbow Color, Cross-Posted from AO3, SquidgeWorld Archive - Freeform, AO3 - Freeform, Archive of Our Own - Freeform, Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive - Freeform, CFAA [Comic Fanfiction], SqWA [SquidgeWorld], Ad Astra Fanfiction Archive - Freeform, AAFA [Ad Astra], Fanworks Archives, Anthropomorphic Personifications
Published: 2024-10-16 Words: 321 Chapters: 1/1

First Friendly Meeting


A short story in chat form. The fanfic archives gather for their first Friendly Meeting organized by Ao3!

First Friendly Meeting

Notes: This story is a work of fiction. The archive's depictions do not reflect the personalities or opinions of their creators.


Before we begin, the initials:

AO3 = Archive Of Our Own

SQWA = SquidgeWorld Archive

AA = Ad Astra

CFAA = Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive


[Around a table sit four humanoid beings. One is red (AO3), one is yellow-orange (SQWA), one is purple (AA) and one is rainbow-colored (CFAA).]

AO3: Hello everyone! Welcome to this first Friendly Meeting where we can get to know each other, exchange opinions on a variety of subjects, and have fun! I'm AO3 for Archive Of Our Own. Before we get started, let's take a look at who's present. Ad Astra?

AA: Present.

AO3: SquidgeWorld Archive?

SQWA: Present!

AO3: Finally Comic Fanfiction Authors Archive?

CFAA: Present. Why are you doing this? You know we're here!

AO3: It's better to do it. So who wants to discuss what?

[The four humanoid beings are silent. None dares to speak first, then...]

AO3: Uh... I'll start then. What's your favorite color?

CFAA: What a strange question.

AO3: We have to start the conversation with something.

AA: You're not wrong. Purple for me.

CFAA: Rainbow.

SQWA: That's several colors.

CFAA: And?

SQWA: Nothing. Orange for me.

AO3: Red for me. Let's see...

AA: Why not our favorite fandom?

SQWA: We all know it's Star Trek for you.

AA: Ok, but what about yours?

AO3: I don't have just one favorite fandom.

SQWA: Same here.

CFAA: Personally, I hesitate between Batman and the X-Men. Now our favorite animals!

[The meeting is on. The four archives have a lot of fun together. Hours later.]

AO3: It's getting late. I must bring this first Friendly Meeting to a close.

AA: Already? Time goes by far too quickly.

CFAA: Are you going to arrange more, Ao3?

AO3: Yes, if you're all interested.

SQWA: Great. Goodbye.

CFAA: Bye!

AA: See you, Ao3!

[Ao3 is the last to leave.]


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